About us.

XNODE Solutions, LLC

XNODE Solutions began in 2005 as XNODE Web Solutions, a Houston based IT consulting firm providing custom web application development services to small businesses. During this time we developed websites and line of business (LOB) web applications using technologies such as Coldfusion, AJAX, JQuery, ASP.NET, and ASMX Web Services.

Well, the world has long since changed and the businesses that have successfully survived the pace of innovation, have done so by reinventing their business models and embracing the new paradigm. Whole industries have had to quickly adopt, and adapt to, the mobile space as a viable transactional channel. It is no longer enough to simply have an e-commerce site. Given the growing selection of connected devices to choose from, consumers have now come to expect ubiquitious access.

Enter the Universal Windows Platform by Microsoft®

Today at XNODE, we're focused on providing development services for the new, reinvented, Windows Platform. By taking a targeted approach, we are able to provide our clients with rapid turn-around and deep expertise on this platform.

The Universal Windows Platform, or UWP, is the development architecture that allows you to reap the highest return on your investment in development services by providing a platform which is the embodiment of develop once and deploy everywhere; to a multitude of Microsoft® platform devices.

The Road Ahead

Why have we focused on one platform?

It began as a response to many organizations abandoning the Windows® platform and leaving what we consider a huge opportunity in the market. Microsoft Windows® still occupies a multitude of desktops and its strength in the gaming and tablet markets is ever so healthy. While it did take some time to reach the vision of UWP and Continuum, they are here. We believe that the Universal Windows Platform and Continuum, coupled with cloud-based micro-services and IoT are going to drive the success of Microsoft® technologies for the forseeable future.